Antenna Mast Pointing Devices

Telescopic Mast Rotator Tilter Antenna Positioner

Telescoping Antenna Mast Positioners

Antenna positioners such as single rotators, double rotators, tilters, and rotator-tilters are available for different antenna configurations. This equipment enables the combination of antennas to reduce the number of masts required for the mission.

A SINGLE ROTATOR is an antenna pointing device for pointing an antenna system horizontally. A DOUBLE ROTATOR is designed for two antenna systems that can be rotated horizontally. Antennas are mounted above each other and each antenna can be rotated individually. Rotators are operated manually from the ground level with maneuvering ropes. The antennas can be mounted directly on the rotator extension tube or on antenna-specific brackets. Electric remote control units are also available for single rotators. A TILTER is an antenna pointing device for pointing the antenna in elevation. A ROTATOR-TILTER is an antenna pointing device used for pointing the antenna system both horizontally (azimuth) and vertically (elevation).

Tilters and rotator-tilters are operated manually from the ground level with maneuvering ropes. The antennas can be mounted directly on the tilter or rotator-tilter top or on antenna mast-specific brackets. Antenna Mast pointing devices are available in all mast colors.


CLOSED: Dec 20 - Jan 2.